It is no doubt that the quality of petrol affects a lot in the performance of your car. If you use lower quality petrol, it may affect the performance of your car’s engine. The reason is that premium petrol quality like Euro 5 Petrol has a higher octane rate that definitely helps the vehicle squeeze more miles in the same amount of petrol. 

Journey to Euro 1 Petrol to Euro 5 Petrol!

In the past, car scientists tried to manufacture such cars that deliver more excellent performance in a little amount of petrol. They didn’t care about pollutants coming out from the exhaust. Then progressed nations like the United States, European Union, Japan, and others set the standards of petrol to make the environment less pollutant. 

In July 1992, the European Union Regulation introduced Euro quality petrol to improve air quality. After that, consecutively, five sets of improved petrol quality have been presented to reduce carbon monoxide (CO) emissions and enhance air quality across nationwide. 

Euro 1 (EC93) introduced in 1992 and applied to all newly registered cars. In this quality, catalytic converters were introduced for the first time in the cars. 

Euro 2 (EC96) petrol quality was introduced for all cars since January 1997. In this quality petrol, emissions limits for diesel engines was reduced. 

Euro 3 (EC2000) applied to all cars from January 2001. In this quality, separate limits were set for nitrogen oxide and hydrocarbons emissions for diesel engines. 

Euro 4 (EC2005) applied to all new cars from 2006. In this quality, diesel particulate filters were introduced to trap particulates. This technology traps about 99% particulates. 

Euro 5 applied on all new cars from 2011. In this quality, extra diesel particulates filters were introduced to trap and control emissions. 

Introduction of Hi-Octane 97 Euro 5 in Pakistan 

PSO (Pakistan State Oil) company introduced world-class standard Hi-Octane 97 Euro 5 in this year 2020. It is a more significant step towards providing clean and higher quality petroleum services across Pakistan. 

According to details, a special ceremony was held at PSO Service Station-2, Diplomatic Enclave on Tuesday, where Special Assistant to Prime Minister on Petroleum, Nadeem Babar, and Minister for Energy, Omar Ayub Khan were chief guests. They said that introduction of Hi-Octane 97 Euro 5 in Pakistan is the fulfilment of commitment to provide higher quality petrol and a step towards a clean environment. 

Euro 5 emission limits (diesel)

HC+ NOx – 0.23 g/km

CO – 0.50 g/km

PM – 0.005 g/km

PM – 6.0×10 ^11/km

NOx – 0.18 g/km

Euro 5 emission limits (petrol)

NOx – 0.06 g/km

HC – 0.10 g/km

PM – 0.005 g/km (direct injection only)

CO – 1.0 g/km

 Award-winning Benefits of Hi-Octane 97 Euro 5 

Here are some of the outstanding benefits of Hi-Octane 97 Euro 5

Improves Engine Quality & Performance

The importance of engine in the structure of cars cant’ be denied. As our body converts food into energy, a car engine converts fuel into motion the same as it is. If it is kept clean and well-maintained, it helps the car run smoothly and faster. Due to the high octane rate compared to regular petrol, your car’s engine works more effectively and efficiently.

Clean & Green Environment

A clean and green environment is essential for human health. A pollution free environment can only be achieved by the reduction of hazardous chemicals and pollutants. Hi-Octane 97 Euro 5 minimizes harmful vehicle emissions with a decrease in Sulphur and Benzene content.

Increases Efficiency 

It is no doubt that Euro 5 Petrol increases the efficiency of your car. Most giant car manufacturing companies are trying to introduce more efficient engines and fuel consumption. Due to the high octane rate, Euro 5 petrol has become more efficient for car engines. 

It may cost you more than other petrol qualities, but it is much better for your car. The sale of Euro 5 petrol has been started on various petrol stations across the country. Drive yourself into innovative and smooth fuel experience by using this type of fuel for your car.